🌹The role of the community in improving the quality of education in Indonesia
The community and the quality of education are interrelated. Because one of the principles of SBM is the participation or role of the community to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. However, so far the role of the community especially parents of students in the administration of education is still very minimal. on financial support, while other supports such as thinking, morals, and goods / services are not given enough attention, therefore to improve it needs to be done an improvement effort, one of which is to reorient education implementation by involving community participation through management of school-based quality improvement.
1. The role of parents
Parents are one of the school partners who can participate in learning, planning / development and in classroom management that can improve a quality of school education. As for the role of parents, including:
a. Only users of educational services are available. For example, parents only send children to school and submit it entirely to the school.
b. Contributes funds, materials and labor, for example in the construction of school buildings
c. Passively accept whatever is decided by parties related to the school, for example the school committee
d.4. Receive consultations on matters related to school interests. For example, the principal consults with school committees and parents about education issues, mathematics learning problems, etc. In the concept of SBM the fourth thing must always happen.
e. Providing certain services. For example, the school works with certain partners such as the School Committee and parents representing the school in collaboration with the Community Health Center to provide counseling about the need for breakfast before school, or nutritious food for children.
f. Carry out activities that have been delegated or delegated by the school. Schools, for example, ask school committees and certain parents to provide counseling to the general public about the importance of education or other important matters for mutual progress.
g. Take a role in making decisions at various levels. For example, parents of students participate in discussing and making decisions about plans for learning activities in schools, both in funding, developing and procuring learning aids.
2. The role of the community
Community support for improving the quality of school education involves the participation of community leaders and religious leaders, the business and industrial world, and socio-cultural institutions. Their participation in school management should be carried out in an integrated, synergistic, and effective manner, taking into account the openness of schools to foster sense of ownership and community responsibility in improving the quality of schools. The roles of the community include:
a. Sources of implementers and users of educational outcomes
b.Using school services
c. Discussion of school policies
d. Consult children's education problems
3. School committee
The main task of school committees is to assist in the provision of education in schools in their capacity as advisers, program supporters, controllers, and even mediators. school, education funding, and coordinating the participation of all levels of society. Its position is as a school partner.
Things that must be upgraded about education in Indonesia📥
1. There is help for children who have economic problems. This assistance can be in the form of free schools specifically for children in remote areas. BOS funding assistance can also be a solution. but over time, BOS funds have been misused by irresponsible residents
2. Distribute teaching facilities and services to remote areas and villages. In such a region, his enthusiasm for learning is very high compared to that in the city. It would be very unfortunate if they did not get educational facilities and services to meet their learning desires.
3. Changing the education system. The terrorist system can have an impact on students in the future. Education in Indonesia is mostly focused on textbooks. Systems that are too theoretical can have an impact on students in the future. Those who are too focused on the theory may become confused about how to actualize the theory. So there is little possibility that students will be confused what to do after completing their education. Lack of critical thinking patterns also have an impact on students. They will struggle to think objectively, quickly, and creatively.
4. Awareness assistance for the community about the importance of education. Not a few parents out there who live on the streets choose to take their children to work compared to school. In fact, there are some children who are forced to work and may not go to school because of wasting money. Not only parents, but also children who should go to school prefer to stop. Therefore, awareness of the importance of education is very much needed in Indonesia, both among parents and children.
5. The mind "trying is better than lying" must be planted in students' minds.
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