Monday, February 10, 2020

About Repunity⚡

🕸The class 9.3 location is arguably quite fun, because it is located next to the canteen. That makes it easy for students to go to the canteen without walking far enough. Class 9.3 is also the easiest class to monitor because it is located next to the teacher's office, which is only limited by transparent glass doors. Location and facilities

🕸Class 9.3 has good facilities. There are 37 student benches that are still good, 2 teacher desks, 1 Air Conditioner which is quite soothing to the body, especially after a sports session, 1 blackboard, 1 flip rack in front of the class, and 1 bookshelf in the corner of the class.

🕸Neatness and Order
Class 9.3 is fairly clean and neat. Our class has had a clean cup 3 times in a row which is scored once a week. Because the cleanliness of a class is an obligation of every citizen who occupies that class, we provide a mandatory picket schedule. Our homeroom teacher also requires us to keep cleaning. Because cleanliness is a part of faith.

🕸Class rules
Every environment must have rules that its citizens must adhere to in order to form an orderly environment. Our class also has rules that bind citizens 9.3 to be obeyed. Such as using complete and appropriate attributes, guarding speech, maintaining ethics, looking after each other, keeping class clean, etc.

our mini library 📓

📓Reading problems are problems that are happening now. Many are lazy to read. Interest in reading begins to decline over time. Therefore, a reading corner was made to increase students' reading interest.

📓The reading corner is designed as attractive as possible to attract friends. The bookshelves in the corner are decorated and given a slogan to motivate friends to want to read. The reading corner also provides a rug and 2 pillows to make friends comfortable while reading. The book is also arranged as neatly as possible so it is pleasing to the eye.

Our mini library

📓The book in the corner is also diverse. Some students participated in reading their books to add books to the corner of reading. There are science books, novels, to dictionaries. All of that is provided so that friends increase their interest in reading. The books available in the reading corner come from a collection of friends who are tired of being read so that they can be read by other friends.

📓Not only read at home, books in the corner of reading can also be taken home to continue reading at home. Borrowed books must be maintained properly. Borrowed in good condition, and returned in the same condition. Borrowers are fully responsible for books borrowed. Each time you borrow a book, friends must list themselves in "borrowed books" that contain data on students who borrow and books borrowed. Book loans are also given a time limit. The longest loan is 4 days. if it exceeds the time limit for borrowing, a fine will be imposed.

📓The purpose of the reading corner is to increase the reading interest of friends who are starting to decline. The benefit of the reading corner itself is to stimulate friends to read more often. With a comfortable reading room, it is hoped to attract the interest of friends to read.
Students read book when breaktime

Clealiness in the 9.3

cleanliness in class 9.3 is maintained, each picket they do their own schedule and clean class neatly. merama when pickets do many things such as sweeping, mopping, minarets library, tidying the bench, tidying the teacher's desk, throwing trash and more. every time you go home don't forget the picket officer will turn off the lights and ac
no wonder the 9.3 class often wins the cleanliness class

The Amazed poem by repunity

🏚rumah rusak🏚

ada cerita arkais.
karena sikap apatis.
tentang rumah,
yang perlahan rusak.

beratap awan mendung,
tetesan air terbendung.
dihuni sepi tak berarti,
dicekik harapan sendiri.

mimpinya tak lagi berarti.
tak ada harapan pasti.
semakin pedih hidup ini.
tapi, siapa yg peduli?

by: Shafira Eka


Perubahan banyak disesali
Namun, sedikit disadari
Hanya demi kesenangan duniawi
Kalian rela menghukum diri sendiri

 Zaman, sudah banyak berubah
Tentu, ada yang kehilangan arah
Mengapa bisa begitu?
Jawabanya ada dalam diri kalian

Pelangi nampak cerah,
Ditengah hujan deras ini.
Air menetes mewarnai negri ini
Dan menangisi dunia ini

Canda, tawa terbelai sangat buruk
Tangis, sakit terbelai sangat indah
Kesenangan sungguh membuat terpuruk
Dibanding isi setiap kisah

Puisi ini hanya sekedar tulisan,
Atau mungkin sebuah pemikiran.
Hanya ini yang dapat aku sampaikan.
Selamat menemukan akhir pesan.

By: Hanifah utami

💐Terusik 💐

Jiwa ini meronta menderita
Atas cerca dari mereka
Atas makian dari mereka
Yang tak pernah mau tau, apa yang di rasa

Tidak ada yang mau seperti ini
Sekalipun angin yang menari
Namun mencoba untuk tetap bertahan
Mungkin ini sudah jadi alur kehidupan

Usik mengusik
Celotehan orang yang gemercik
Menghilangkan warna dan cahaya
Terkurung didalam ruang lara

Tapi tuhan itu baik
Memberikan hikmah
Dibalik kisah
Yang sebenarnya, terasa pelik

By: Dealovi Gizahira 

🌈The Unique Way of MTs Bilingual to search student's talent🌈

MTsB has its own way to increase morale in a field. Like a class competition, an exhibition of student work. this competition is held to support students to develop the abilities they have. Inter-class competitions also support students to hone creativity. For example, to decorate a class, where students must show their creative spirit to decorate the class.

Not only competitions, some assessments are also held to develop student habits. Such as hygiene and linguistic assessment. Both assessments aim to give students awareness about the importance of cleanliness and maintain language while speaking, as well as familiarizing students with environmental cleanliness and speaking well.

Both assessments are conducted every day and announced every Friday. Classes with the best cleanliness and linguistic values ​​will receive a trophy and appreciation, while the worst will receive a black trophy with punishment from the teacher in charge.

In addition there is also a youtube video contest that is used to explore the talents of children and also to familiarize students not to be afraid of the camera

Repunity's galeri 📸

📸when we in bali, we take a many picture, we use a couple clotes and hoodie, we use grey hoodie

📸 class of repunity not to bisg, there 37 chairs and tables. The class always clean and tidy
🐵 22 Boys
🐱 15 girls
 A solid class
weirdos are the funnest people to be around 🙌
📸 kebun raya purwodadi

criticism and suggestions 🐣

1. In every class there are tools to clean the class, such as brooms and mops. But these tools often just disappear. Sometimes there are also other students in the class who borrow brooms or mops but are not returned to the class. This can make students overwhelmed to carry out picket. Many students also complained about the inconvenience.
My advice as a Bilingual MTs student, broom or mop belonging to each class is given the name of the class to make it easier for students to find it. Those who do not return it also need to be given a warning so that if they borrow a cleaning tool, they will not forget to return it. It merely teaches students to always be responsible for what they do and can be even more disciplined.

2.There are some toilets that are kept clean, some are not.
Various problems that we often find include tap water that does not flow, unpleasant odors, less air fentilation so that the toilet becomes stuffy, the unavailability of soap, dirty buckets so that the water is also dirty. Those are some of the problems that often make us complain.
In my opinion, there needs to be a little improvement on the school toilets so those of us who are using can feel comfortable and not complain anymore. Air fentilation should be added so that air circulation remains smooth and the toilet is not too dark. If necessary, each toilet is also added a place to wash hands and of course soap is provided. Bilingual MTs also need to be educated about toilet hygiene so that they are more disciplined in using them.